Excursions / Camps

​Exploring the Rich Heritage of the Glass House Mountains with Grade 2

Our Grade 2 students ventured into the Glass House Mountains for an enriching HASS excursion. Guided by the tales of local Indigenous communities, they discovered ancient artifacts like kangaroo skin balls, boomerangs, and stone tools, gaining insight into the resourcefulness of Aboriginal culture.
At the Glass House Mountains lookout, students immersed themselves in Dreamtime stories, learning the significance of each mountain. They were fascinated by the ancient tools displayed, used for cutting fruit, meat, and creating art.
Identifying each mountain, students connected deeply with the landscape. They explored Little Rocky Creek, an axe grounding site, and learned about ochre rocks used for ceremonial paint and rock art.
This immersive experience fostered empathy and respect for the Aboriginal heritage of the Glass House Mountains. Proud of our Grade 2 explorers, eager to learn and engage with our diverse world!
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All images 'Excursion' © BCE, Our Lady of the Rosary School (2024)​